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Do I need an MBA to get a job in digital marketing

Indra Sena Nandyala

Indra Sena

Published On

December 20, 2024

Updated On

January 3, 2025

Do I need an MBA to get a job in digital marketing

Marketing landscape has changed a lot in the past 15 years. With the emergence of strong social media and widespread penetration of internet, companies around the world have changed their strategy of marketing. Today whether you are a small vendor in a town or a multi-national conglomerate you need to concentrate on the digital marketing. So, it is no wonder that the job opportunities and salary packages in the field of digital marketing has been steadily increasing in the past decade. If you are someone who is looking to start a career in Digital marketing, it would be ideal to have this doubt, “Can I get a digital marketing job without an MBA degree?”

There is no need for an MBA degree to pursue a career in digital marketing. However, the answer is not simple, it depends on a number of other factors.

Digital Marketing is the Future of Marketing

If you are either in the early phases of your career or if you are planning to make a career shift into the digital marketing space, it is the best time. At any given point in time, there are at least 1.5 Lakhs of vacancies in the digital marketing field. While the range of pay scale and scope of the works vary by a huge margin, the sheer number of opportunities in the field makes it an evergreen field. This situation and the constant demand for marketers in the digital realm will exist at least for the next 20 years. If you are in the early 20s or in early 30s, it is the right time to pivot into this exciting profession. You will have a good career growth and you can reach the top echelons of the corporate world or the business world.

You Need Industry Exposure and Experience

In any profession, a degree is only the stepping stone and many frontrunners in the field are not the graduates from the same field. Digital marketing is no alien to this concept. If you have the necessary industry exposure which will help you to build on your expertise, then there is no need of an MBA. Marketing is more about practice and less about the official recognition. The proof of the pudding is in the eating and not in the certification.

An MBA Program is an Added Advantage but Not Necessary

Digital marketing is not entirely disjoint from the conventional marketing. It is unique in its own ways but has many commonalities with the traditional marketing. The foundational skills are common for both the professions, the specialised skillsets are slightly varied. So, if you have a basic understanding and a clarity on the foundational principles of marketing, then it helps you to become a better digital marketer. Having said that there is no need of attending a professional course at a university. In fact, you can become better digital marketer by practicing what you preach.

Pursue a Digital Marketing Course to Kick-start Your Career

If you have finished your college education and looking for an exciting career, then you can join a full-time digital marketing course in Bengaluru. This way, you can fast-track the learning and start implementing what you learn within a short span of time. Alternatively if you are in your college and pursuing your degree, then you can join a part-time digital marketing course. With an instructor led course that focuses on building the skillsets that are most revered and required in the field of digital marketing.

Even if you are someone who is already working, it is possible for you to choose the weekend batches of the digital marketing course. At Indras Academy, we have some of the best curated digital marketing courses in Bengaluru. Irrespective of your present status, you can get an assured job offer within 3 to 6 months of the completion of our courses. Contact us for demo sessions.

Find the Plethora of Opportunities in Digital Marketing

Once you finish the course at Indras Academy, you will have already gained important skillsets and exposure to the industry practices. Additionally you will also get opportunities to work in real-time projects providing you with the important experience. You can build your portfolio on top of these experiences.

You can work on your pet projects or freelance for other organisations thereby enhancing your experience and your portfolio of offers. Whether you want to join an organisation as a digital marketer or start your own digital marketing agency, our course is the ideal launchpad for you.

We also provide support for resume preparation, interview preparation and guide you in your early job searches. With an end to end support available at Indras Academy, you can start your career in the exciting digital marketing field today.


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