Indras Academy

Job Oriented Salesforce Courses in Bangalore

Looking for best salesforce training institute in Bangalore? You’re in the right place. Here at Indras Academy, we are committed to empower you with our world-class data science curriculum, industry-leading faculty and real life project experience. Enroll today and get 40% off. Limited Period Offer!!

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    data science courses Bangalore

    Salesforce Course Overview

    We are one of the leading online and classroom data science training institute in Bangalore, India. Our curriculum is designed by industry experts to help you master data science in Python, R, Machine Learning Statistics, Tableau, and more. We have helped people from all backgrounds get their dream jobs and secure placement in the industry.

    Why Choose Indrasacademy for Salesforce Training?

    Indra’s Academy’s Data Science course is to prepare candidates to use Data Science techniques for business opportunities. Our highly skilled Data Science trainers possess corporate experience and understand what real job demands. Hence, we offer hands-on training with live projects.

    Course Options

    Live Virtual

    Instructor Led Live Online

    49,999          ₹35,499


    In - Person Classroom Training

    ₹49,999          ₹39,950

    Data Science Training Curriculum

    Are you looking for data science training in Bangalore? Look no further than our institute! We offer the best data science training in the city, with experienced faculty and state-of-the-art facilities. Join us today and start your journey to becoming a data science expert!

    Programming Basics & Environment Setup

    • Installing Anaconda
    • Anaconda Basics and Introduction
    • Get familiar with version control, Git and GitHub.
    • Basic Github Commands.
    • Introduction to the Jupyter Notebook environment.
    • Basics Jupyter notebook Commands.
    • Programming language basics.
    • Python Overview
    • Python 2.7 vs Python 3
    • Writing your First Python Program Lines and Indentation
    • Python Identifiers
    •  Various Operators and Operators Precedence
    • Getting input from User, Comments, Multi line Comments.
    • Working with Numbers, Booleans and Strings
    • String types and formatting 
    • String operations Simple if Statement, if-else Statement if-elif Statement.
    • Introduction to while Loops.
    •  Introduction to for Loops
    • Using continue and break.
    • Class hands-on: programs/coding exercise on string, loop and conditions in the classroom.
    • List, Tuples, Dictionaries Python Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries 
    • Accessing Values, Basic Operations Indexing, Slicing, and Matrixes Built-in Functions & Methods.
    • Exercises on List, Tuples And Dictionary
    • Class hands-on: Program to convert tuple to dictionary Remove Duplicate from Lists
    • Python program to reverse a tuple Program to add all elements in list.
    • Introduction To Functions
    • Why Defining Functions
    • Calling Functions
    • Functions With Multiple Arguments.
    • Anonymous Functions
    • Lambda Using Built-In Modules
    • User-Defined Modules
    • Module Namespaces
    • Iterators And Generators.
    • Opening and Closing Files
    • open Function, file Object Attributes close() Method ,Read, write,seek. 
    • Exception Handling, try-finally Clause Raising an Exceptions, User-Defined Exceptions.
    • Regular Expression- Search and Replace Regular Expression Modifiers Regular Expression Patterns.
    • Introduction to Numpy.
    • Array Creation,Printing Arrays
    • Basic Operation -Indexing, Slicing and Iterating
    • Shape Manipulation - Changing shape,stacking and splitting of arrays.
    • Vector stacking, Broadcasting with Numpy, Numpy for Statistical Operation. 
    • Pandas : Introduction to Pandas Importing data into Python
    • Pandas Data Frames, Indexing Data Frames
    • ,Basic Operations With Data frame,Renaming Columns,Subletting and filtering a data frame.
    • Introduction,plot(),Controlling Line
    • Properties,Subplot with Functional Method, MUltiple Plot, Working with Multiple Figures,Histograms Seaborn :
    • Intro to Seaborn And Visualizing statistical relationships
    • Import and Prepare data
    • Plotting with categorical data and Visualizing linear relationships
    • Seaborn Exercise

    Installation Setup

    Quick guide to RStudio

    User Interface RStudio's GUI3

    Changing the appearance in RStudio

    Installing packages in R and using the library

    Development Environment

    Overview Introduction to R 

    basics Building blocks of R

    Core programming principles Fundamentals of R

    Creating an object Data types in R

    Coercion rules in R

    Functions and arguments Matrices Data Frame

    Data Inputs and Outputs with R

    Vectors and Vector operation

    Advanced Visualization Using the script vs. using the console

    Data transformation with R - the Dplyr package - Part

    Data transformation with R - the Dplyr package - Part Sampling data with the Dplyr package

    Using the pipe operator in R Tidying data in R - gather() and separate()

    Tidying data in R - unite() and spread()

    Intro to data visualization

    Introduction to ggplot2

    Building a histogram with ggplot2

    Building a bar chart with ggplot2

    Building a box and whiskers plot with ggplot2

    Building a scatter plot with ggplot2

    Connecting To Datasource Creating dashboard pages

    How to create calculated columns Different charts

    Hands on on connecting data source and data cleansing

    Hands on various charts

    Getting Started With Visual Analytics Sorting and grouping

    Working with sets

    set action Filters: Ways to filter, Interactive Filters Forecasting andClustering

    Hands on deployment of Predictive model invisualization

    Working in Views with Dashboards and Stories

    Working with Sheets Fitting Sheets

    Legends and Quick Filters Tiled and Floating Layout Floating Objects

    Coordinate points

    Plotting Latitude and Longitude

    Custom Geocoding

    Polygon Maps

    WMS and Background Image

    Introduction to Text Analytics

    Introduction to NLP

    What is Natural Language Processing?

    What Can Developers Use NLP Algorithms For?

    NLP Libraries

    Need of Textual Analytics Applications of Natural Language Processing

    Word Frequency Algorithms for NLP Sentiment Analysis

    Need of Pre-Processing

    Various methods to Process the Text data

    Tokenization, Challenges in Tokenization

    Stopping, Stop Word Removal Stemming - Errors in Stemming Types of Stemming Algorithms - Table lookup Approach ,N-Gram Stemmers

    String Similarity

    Cosine Similarity

    Mechanism - Similarity between Two text documents Levenshtein distance - measuring the difference between two sequences Applications of Levenshtein distance LCS(Longest Common Sequence )

    Problems and solutions ,LCS Algorithms

    Information Retrieval - Precision, Recall, F- score TF-IDF

    KNN for document retrieval K-Means for document retrieval Clustering for document retrieval

    Fundamentals of Math and Probability

    • Basic understanding of linear algebra, Matrics, vectors.
    • Addition and Multiplication of matrices.
    • Fundamentals of Probability
    • Probability distributed function and cumulative distribution function.
    • Class Hand-on Problem solving using R for vector manipulation.
    • Problem solving for probability assignments.
    • The mean,median,mode, curtosis and skewness Computing Standard deviation and Variance.

      Types of distribution.

      Class Handson: 5 Point summary BoxPlot Histogram and Bar Chart Exploratory analytics R Methods.

    • What is inferential statistics Different types of Sampling techniques Central Limit Theorem.

      Point estimate and Interval estimate.

      Creating confidence interval for population parameter Characteristics of Z-distribution and T- Distribution.

      Basics of Hypothesis Testing Type of test and rejection region Type of errors in Hypothesis resting.

      Type-l error and Type-ii errors P-Value and Z-Score Method T-Test, Analysis of variance(ANOVA) and Analysis of Covariance(ANCOVA) Regression analysis in ANOVA.

      Class Hands-on: Problem solving for C.L.T Problem solving Hypothesis Testing Problem solving for T-test, Z-score test Case study and model run for ANOVA.

    • Basics of Hypothesis Testing Type of test and Rejection Region

      Type o errors-Type 1 Errors,Type 2 Errors

      P value method,Z score Method. 

      The Chi-Square Test of Independence Regression

      Factorial Analysis of Variance

      Pearson Correlation Coefficients in Depth Statistical Significance, Effect Size, and Confidence Intervals

    • Introduction to Data Cleaning

      Data Preprocessing What is Data Wrangling?

      How to Restructure the data? What is Data Integration?

      Data Transformation

      EDA : Finding and Dealing with Missing Values.

      What are Outliers? Using Z- scores to Find Outliers. 

      Introduction to Bivariate Analysis,Scatter Plots and Heatmaps.

       Introduction to Multivariate Analysis

    • Introduction To Machine Learning

      What is Machine Learning? 

      Introduction to Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

      Introduction to SKLEARN (Classification, Regression, Clustering, Dimensionality reduction, Model selection, Preprocessing)

      What is Reinforcement Learning?

      Machine Learning applications

      Difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning

    • Support Vector Machines Linear regression

      Logistic Regression Naive Bayes

      Linear discriminant analysis Decision tree

      k-nearest neighbor algorithm Neural Networks (Multilayer perceptron)

      Similarity learning

    •  Introduction to Linear Regression

       Linear Regression with Multiple Variables

      Disadvantage of Linear Models

      Interpretation of Model Outputs

      Understanding Covariance and Collinearity

      Understanding Heteroscedasticity

      Case Study – Application of Linear Regression for Housing Price Prediction

    • Introduction to Logistic Regression.

      Why Logistic Regression .

      Introduce the notion of classification

      Cost function for logistic regression

      Application of logistic regression to multi-class classification.

      Confusion Matrix, Odds Ratio And ROC Curve

      Advantages And Disadvantages of Logistic Regression.

      Case Study:To classify an email as spam or not spam using logisticRegression.

    • Decision Tree – data set How to build a decision tree?

      Understanding Kart Model

      Classification Rules- Overfitting Problem

      Stopping Criteria And Pruning 

      How to Find the final size of Trees?

      Model A Decision Tree.

      Naive Bayes

      Random Forests and Support Vector Machines

      Interpretation of Model Outputs

    • Hierarchical Clustering

      k-Means algorithm for clustering – groupings of unlabeled data points.

      Principal Component Analysis(PCA)- Data

      Independent components analysis(ICA) Anomaly Detection

      Recommender System-collaborative filtering algorithm

      Case Study– Recommendation Engine for e-commerce/retail chain

    • Basics of Time Series Analysis and Forecasting ,Method Selection in Forecasting

      Moving Average (MA) Forecast Example,Different Components of Time Series Data ,Log Based Differencing, Linear Regression For Detrending

    • Introduction to ARIMA Models,ARIMA Model Calculations,Manual ARIMA Parameter Selection,ARIMA with Explanatory Variables

      Understanding Multivariate Time Series and Their Structure,Checking for Stationarity and Differencing the MTS

      Case Study : Performing Time Series Analysis on Stock Prices

    • Introduction to Deep Learning And TensorFlow

      Neural Network

      Understanding Neural Network

      Model Installing

      TensorFlow Simple Computation ,Constants And Variables

      Types of file formats in TensorFlow

      Creating A Graph – Graph Visualization

      Creating a Model – Logistic Regression

      Model Building using tensor flow

      TensorFlow Classification Examples

    • Installing TensorFlow

      Simple Computation , Contants And Variables

      Types of file formats in TensorFlow

      Creating A Graph - Graph Visualization

      Creating a Model - Logistic Regression

      Model Building

      TensorFlow Classification Examples

    • Basic Neural Network Single Hidden Layer Model

      Multiple Hidden Layer Model

      Backpropagation – Learning Algorithm and visual representation

      Understand Backpropagation – Using Neural

      Network Example TensorBoard

      Project on backpropagation

    • Convolutional Layer Motivation

      Convolutional Layer Application
      Architecture of a CNN

      Pooling Layer Application

      Deep CNN

      Understanding and Visualizing a CNN

    • Introduction To RDBMS Single Table Queries - SELECT,WHERE,ORDER

      BY,Distinct,And ,OR Multiple Table Queries: INNER, SELF, CROSS, and OUTER, Join, Left Join, Right Join, Full Join, Union.

      Advance SQL Operations: Data Aggregations and summarizing the data

      Ranking Functions: Top-N Analysis Advanced SQL Queries for Analytics.

    • Topics - What is HBase? HBase Architecture, HBase Components,

      Storage Model of HBase, HBase vsRDBMS

      Introduction to MongoDB, CRUD Advantages of MongoDB over RDBMS

      Use cases

    • Mathematical Functions


      Conditional Logic Loops

      Custom Functions Grouping and Ordering Partitioning

      Filtering Data Subqueries

    Salesforce Course Course Job Roles

    Data science is one of the hottest job markets right now. With the rise of big data, companies are looking for ways to make sense of all the information they are collecting. That’s where data scientists come in. There are many different job roles within data science. 

    Career after Data Science Training

    Data Science is one of the most rapidly growing sectors in the technology market. Demand for Data Scientist Increasing by 20% Every year!

    Industry Recognized Certification

    After completing the course, Indra’s Academy Bangalore offers an industry recognised certificate that will give you a hike in your career.

    Frequently Asked Questions.

    Data Science is nothing but an amalgam of methods integrating statistics, data analysis, and machine learning. A data scientist analyses processed and unprocessed data to enhance business decisions. Data Scientists must have good hands on Python, R, R Studio, Hadoop, MapReduce, Apache Spark, Apache Pig, Java, NoSQL database, Cloud Computing, etc.

    Absolutely! At Indra's Academy Bangalore, be it online or offline classes, we cover all the basic topics since we believe in making the fundamental concepts clear. Indra's Academy makes sure all the candidates are pro in data science.

    To become a data scientist, candidates pursuing the course must have a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science or Data Science. Also, engineers from IT are also eligible to join this course.

    Yes! Indra's Academy is now offering online courses for students who cannot enroll for offline classes due to pandemic and also to offer excellent training for students all over the globe. Students from any part of the world can enroll for courses at Indra's Academy.

    As mentioned earlier, Indra's Academy not only offers excellent coaching to students but also makes sure each candidate gets equal opportunity to interview in well-known organizations. We deliver 100% job assistance with a minimum of 30 interviews.

    The duration of this course is 3 months. In these 3 months, our skilled and experienced trainers prepare candidates for complex company projects and also for tough interviews.

    Since data science is an extremely responsible and tough job, companies pay handsome salaries to skilled candidates. Initial salary ranges from 5-6 LPA.

    The Data Science Course includes:

    Python and R programming

    Machine learning

    Exploratory Data Analysis

    Data Visualization

    Inferential Statistics

    Text Mining

    Deep Learning

    Predictive Modelling


    Do I get a job after doing this course?

    Definitely! Data Science is the leading technology in automation, machines, marketing, and whatnot. There are millions of job opportunities for data scientists.

    Reviews by Students

    Suleman Data Analyst

    An excellent place to learn data science. The teachers are extremely knowledgeable and have a lot of industry experience. The training is structured well and covers all the fundamentals of the subject. The best part of the course is that they have live projects which they guide you through.

    Surendra Data Scientist

    I was looking to learn Data Science and I came across indras academy. I started learning data science with indras academy. The course was very well designed and the entire learning experience was very professional. I would recommend indras academy to learn data science.

    Ganesh Data Architect

    The syllabus is very vast and covers almost every possible topic in data science. The trainer is very helpful and explains the topics very clearly. The course material is good and there are assignments at the end of each module. I am happy with the course and the mentors.

    Saritha Data and Analytics Manager

    The best thing about training at Indra Academy is that our trainers are real-time working professionals. They are the one who are active in the data science industry. They are very friendly, hardworking and always motivated. They are always open to questions and willing to help.

    Shivam Data Scientist

    Indras academy is the best institute for learning data science in Bangalore. The placement team of indras academy is very active and continuously in touch with the students to help them get the best job. indras academy has a very good infrastructure with high speed internet connectivity.

      Upcoming Batch Details

      We provide flexible batch timings to all our students. if this schedule does’t match feel free to contact us we will try to schedule appropriate timings based on your flexible timings.

      Batch 1

      7:30 am - 8:30 am

      Batch 3

      9:30 am - 10:30 am

      Batch 2

      8:30 am - 9:30 am

      Batch 4

      10:30 am - 11:30 am

      Get In Touch

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        Our Training Centers

        Do you want to learn data science? Bangalore is the perfect place to do it! We offer leading data science training that will help you get the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in this growing field. Contact us today to learn more about our data science training program.

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